
Big Data

Big Data (Gran volúmen de datos) Actualmente nos encontramos en un entorno en el que cada día se generan trillones de bytes de información. A esta enorme cantidad de datos producidos día a día, la denominamos Big Data. El crecimiento de los datos provocados en Internet y otras áreas, hacen necesarias nuevas técnicas para poder…
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Big Data

Big Data is a voluminous and diverse collection of data from a variety of sources that is too complicated to be handled by traditional database management applications or people.  The key difference between big data and «normal data» is big data’s capacity to organize and store complex and vast amounts of data.   «Big data» es…
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Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics enables data scientists to examine large and complex varieties of data using predictive modeling, statistics and other analytics to uncover hidden patterns, market trends, customer preferences, unknown correlations and other useful information to help organizations improve their decision-making process, enabling more well-informed business decisions. It is the primary driving force behind the…
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